Plants of the Four Corners

Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Cryptantha abata
Cryptantha affinis
Cryptantha ambigua
Cryptantha barbigera
Cryptantha clandestina
Cryptantha crassisepala
Cryptantha crassisepala var. elachantha
Cryptantha cycloptera
Cryptantha cycloptera f. truncata
Cryptantha decipiens
Cryptantha decipiens var. corollata
Cryptantha dumetorum
Cryptantha echinella
Cryptantha fendleri
Cryptantha flaccida
Cryptantha glomerata
Cryptantha gracilis
Cryptantha intermedia
Cryptantha juniperensis
Cryptantha kelseyana
Cryptantha leiocarpa
Cryptantha maritima
Cryptantha maritima var. pilosa
Cryptantha minima
Cryptantha muricata
Cryptantha nevadensis
Cryptantha pterocarya
Cryptantha pterocarya var. stenoloba
Cryptantha recurvata
Cryptantha scoparia
Cryptantha torreyana
Cryptantha utahensis
Cryptantha watsonii